Saturday 1 November 2008

2008-Oct- 31..... 2000 pm(UK)

2008-Oct- 31..... 2000 pm(UK)

Visited PS with my personal friend Dr. DY accompanied.
Due to ongoing heavy sedation applied, she doesn’t respond to me.
The duty doctor briefed me about the latest plans:
 - Despite the sedation, she still had fit. (seizure or convulsion)
- Will supply another anti-fit medication recommended by neurologists. (i.e. total with 2 different anti-fits)
- will try gradually reducing medication and close-watch if she is still fit during the process.
- no further test as both the complex CAT and MRI tests showed normal outcomes.

Sincere thanks to our family friends:
- Mrs. DS. , Miss F, Dr. and Mrs B, Dr. DY and MR Kee. (will ask for their permission before publishing their names.)

The children were well behaved over these few days. They played very well with Mrs DS and Miss F whom came to our house and spent valuable time for few hours each days.
Dr. and Mrs B, our neighbour who brought the boys over to their house and allowed them jumping around, up and down.
Dr. DY, who accompanied me to the intensive care unit and explained lots of the medical procedures, treatments and the ethos of UK NHS (National Health Service).
Mr. Kee. who helps to arrange my father-in-law’s UK flights(will arriving UK on Monday afternoon).

I also want to express my thanks to my parents (mum and dad), father-in-law, brothers-in-law, my brothers and sister, relatives and friends for their kind support and helps.
I apology if I can’t thank all of you personally but I’ll remember all of you and it will be in my heart forever.

2008-10月-31日…………….英国时间: 八点 晚上

-在神经学家建议下将提供另一个反抽搐的药物. (这即拥有两种不同的反抽搐的药物)
-由于复杂的C AT和M RI检查显示正常的结果,医生们并没有计划进行任何新测试。

- DS夫人,F小姐,B博士和夫人,DY医生和纪先生。 (在展示他们的名字之前会要求他们的许可)

B博士和夫人,我们的邻居, 允许孩子们到他们的房子里跑上跑下,跳来跳去.
DY医生的陪同下探访了PS的加护病房,并解释大量的医疗程序和英国国家保健服务和宗旨) 。

我还要感谢我的父母(妈妈和爸爸),岳父,我的妻舅们,我的弟弟妹妹们,亲朋好友的深切支持和帮助。 我非常抱歉无法一一的亲自向大家道谢,但我会永远记得你们所有人的关怀和问好.

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