Monday 10 November 2008

2008-Nov-10..... 2350pm(UK)

Last Thursday and Friday weren't PS's blessed days. Her illnesses got worsen during these two days.
She was meant having another MRI scan on Friday but due to her illnesses, they delayed it.
Dr had to prescribe a new drug on late Friday to calm her.
However, she got minor side effects (rashes) on next day (Saturday) due to the new drug.
Under that circumstances, dermatologist stepped in and prescribes another drug to overcome the side effects.
Finally; over the weekend, both drugs managed to: gradually reduce the fits and ease the rashes.
At last, she managed to attend her second MRI test today. (However, the test results still shown negative, i.e. no cause found).

Since yesterday (Sunday) 3pm till just now Monday (1005 pm), which nearly 31 hrs, there isn’t any fit reported (finger crossed). But… (there always a “but”), she is still heavily sedated.
To get a conclusive result, the sedation needs carefully and gradually reduce over the week (bear in mind that she is still having at least 6 different types of sedation drugs at the same time).

(2008-11月-10日.....英国时间: 晚上十一时五十分
上周四和周五都不是PS 的吉祥日. 这两天她的病情恶化了.
根据这一情况,皮肤科医生介入了, 开了新处方来克服副作用。


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