Monday 3 November 2008

2008-Nov-03..... 2145 pm(UK)

Today has been a busy day.
After the boys a week long mid-term holidays, they finally go back to school.
The boys attended half day class only. Mrs DS came to our house, looked after the boys so that I could pick PS’s father straight from the airport and go to hospital.
Nurse told me since yesterday evening until today 2pm, PS had 2 minor fits. However, they managed to get EEG test and waits for consultant to interpret it tomorrow.
The doctors decided to keep her as before conditions but with a little bit lighter sedation.
At 430pm, we witnessed another seizure, this time it last nearly 15 seconds.
I decided to spend tonight with the boys, put them to bed and back to hospital in late evening (managed to arrange my late visit with nurse)
Rang again to ICU at 930pm, was told since the 430pm there is no more fit.

(2008-11月-03日.....英国时间: 2140晚上
孩子们只上半天班。Mrs DS 今天中午来到我们家帮忙看顾孩子,这样子我可以直接把岳父从机场载去医院.

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